Saturday, March 30, 2013

Odds and Ends from the Neighborhood

While I was out walking around the town this week, I took some pictures of things that didn't fit into the categories of my other posts. So this is to be a miscellaneous hodge podge of things I found in my childhood home.

First was this bush. I don't know what kind of bush it is, or even if it really warrants the word "bush," but I found it attractive. I ordinarily don't care for purely ornamental plants, but this is an exception. It looks brighter in the pictures than it did in person.

And tucked (perhaps hidden?) behind this little bush was a succulent container! The collection of succulents was nice, but the plants didn't look so hot...

Was this forgotten or abandoned? I wish I had gotten to these darlings before winter did. I'd even take the rooster.
Another unfortunate thing I saw on my foray into the wilderness of town was a tree completely overtaken by English ivy, an aggressive invasive. The owners of this plant might be letting the vines grow for aesthetic reasons (I see no other way this could have happened), but the tree is not doing well, and the result is atrocious. Intentional or not, this is a sad sight for anyone who cares about plants.

A few of the leaves in this shot belong to that tree, but not many...
To end on a brighter note, I found a barn in town! I have no idea how I've missed seeing this structure my whole life, but apparently I have. I wonder what purpose this building serves.

That concludes the pictures from my travels here! Have you ever found something unexpected in familiar places? Do you sigh when you see horribly mistreated plants? Do you have any idea what that evergreen bush was?

Next post: news about my summer crops.

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